How Do I Get An Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Check?

AML Check Overview

An AML Check helps you comply with the latest Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations.

The report allows you to establish the following:

  • Does the identity exist?
  • Is the customer who they say they are?
  • Is there any detrimental information relating to the identity?

The report includes checks across many different sources which makes it more rigorous than manual ID checking. You can use an AML Check to complement or replace your existing process.

Our AML Checks follow the Joint Money Laundering Steering Group (JMLSG) guidelines and allow you to validate the identity of an individual in around 3 seconds.

Benefits of Electronic AML Checks

An electronic AML Check offers the following benefits:

  • Fast - each report takes around 3 seconds to generate
  • Simple - reports are easy to understand and require no training
  • No physical documents - no need to acquire, copy and store physical documents
  • Integrated - no additional vendor to manage
  • No duplication - use your existing customer data

What's Included in an AML Check

The results are delivered through an easy to understand pass/fail outcome and three digit profile. As the results are logically formatted and easy to interpret, it requires only the minimum of user training.

  • Residency - Electoral Roll, credit agreements, BT telephone and court data
  • Identity - Electoral Roll, credit agreements, BT telephone
  • Alerts - HM Treasury Sanctions, Senior Political Figures, OFAC and deceased check
  • Linked addresses - such as previous addresses
  • Electoral Roll - details of the subject and associates on the Electoral Roll

The minimum requirement for a Pass is 2 residency matches, 1 identity and 0 alerts. Anything else will be marked 'Refer' which means you need to get more information.

How to Start

To start using the instant Credit Checks you need to purchase Domus Credits which are available from the Domus Shop in your account.

The cost per credit depends upon how many you purchase - the more you buy, the cheaper they are.

Domus Credits will get added to your account immediately and will never expire.

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Topic: Integrations

About Domus Software

This article is published by Domus Estate and Letting Agency Software.

Domus is an easy to use cloud based estate and letting agent software for estate agents to manage sales, lettings, accounting and a client portal.

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